Under the knife

So it seems young Fergus is having an extended stay at the kitty spa – at least that’s how I think of it in my mind, air conditioning, food, peace, massage.  I have just come back from the vet and Fergus was stretched out on the table (sedated) looking very peaceful. Vet with knife in hand, glad I turned up when I did – no desire to see him (or anyone else being sliced).

I am to collect and release Fergus this afternoon, I promise to remember my camera, load some photos and let you know how he’s doing.

Meow and out

A scruffy mog named Fergus

Today’s the day Fergus has his operation….

On Monday Hilary and I attempted to rescue a stray kitten (we have since named him Fergus), yesterday we were able to get the cat basket from the vet and we took Fergus along for an assessment.   Seems he needs his half mangled eye removed, vaccinated and we’ve decided to snip of his manhood at the same time – as recommended by the vet for a better quality of and longer life?  All sounds a bit harsh.

Hilary flew back to Scotland this morning and I am waiting for the ‘come and collect your stray’ call.  

I will add some Fergus photos and let you know how he getting on later in the week.

Balls with wings…

Opening a new store in Korcula has been a huge challenge, paperwork is endless, my language skills are inadequate and there is so much to learn.  We have now moved on from the issues of opening and need to fill our store. 

Adolf has been working long hours, creating beautiful filigree jewels.  Watching him work is endlessly fascinating for me, I still marvel at the skill & patience that is involved in creating such intricate pieces of jewellery.  Beautiful wearable art works are now emerging in our store and we are creating some fun displays.  Whilst it is great to have a fine display for us it is even better when we can sell his work (pay some bills!) and have happy customers leaving our store.

Last week the pieces above were sitting on the work table when we had a visitor from Quebec looking for some earrings, unfortunately this work was not finished; so I asked

‘How long are you here?’

‘For one more week’, was the reply

‘We can finish this pair for  you, it will be no problem, please come back on Thursday evening’

You can see the finished product below, the balls have wings – they are now in Quebec, Ms Quebec was delighted with her earrings, and for us it is a great feeling to know that we were able to bring her a small amount of joy that will last a lifetime. 

A Day in the Life

Today has been a great day to write about, and it ain’t over yet – having visitors from abroad is the perfect excuse to play and I’m loving it.

The day started with coffee and cakes from Marco Polo bakery and a big blether in the sun.   Bikini on, ready to swim, what a great way to start the day.  Hilary and I swam at the bottom of the ‘street’  that we work on.  After this we purchased a small coffee machine, then back to the shop (www.facebook.com/SebaDizajn) to try out the new machine – it’s great.  Coffee on site is a good thing and hopefully a way to save us some cash as both Adolf and I enjoy our coffee a lot and regular stops at our favourite coffee shop (Caffe Stari Grad) throughout the day were adding up… 

Next mission was ‘save a cat’, Hilary being a keen animal lover had earier spied a wee poorly cat that looked like it wold barely make it through the week and decided that she would like to take it to our local vet and save his wee furry life. We spoke to the vet and he was expecting us at 12 so we had to go capture the cat, esier said than done it turns out.  Despite the cats apparent ill health there was no way it wnated to be transported in a box by us to the vet.  Oh dear, we made several attempts before speaking to the vet, 

“Do you have  a cat box we can borrow?”

“NO, sorry the box is not available today, it will be here again on Monday”.

Decision made to leave the cat till Monday, bring him some food in the mean time and monitor his condition – will keep you posted on his progress and try and remember to add a photo.

“What now?”

The decsion was to eat, and we sat at U Maje i Tonke & sampled their chickpea salad, hummus & fresh bread (all very good).  It is so nice to have visitors to blether with, Hilary and I sat for about an hour and chatted before me feeling like I really ought to give Adolf a break from the shop.  So we walked over to Seba Dizajn and watched some jewellery being created for a while before taking another stroll.

I am now on the afternoon/late shift, and have just sold one of our beautiful silver filigree beads and a matching pair of earrings to a lady from Chicago, lovely to talk with her and share some of the filigree story with her. 

Now I have a second pot of coffee brewing and I am catchin up on my ‘homework’ – I am two days behind on both of Nikki Pilkington’s 30 Day Challenges that I am currently signed up for – the Facebook Business Page Challenge and the Blog Challenge… Challenge 7, ‘A Day in the Life’ now completed.  Wonder what’s next?



Something Nice

Today I want to share how great I feel when I think about my lovely friends, near and far in this world.  Yesterday I took the early morning ferry to Split to meet a friend from Scotland whom I had not seen for a year.  Thanks for visiting Hilary, it is great to see you and to have this week to swim and chat, wine and dine. 

Life in a new country and culture is interesting and fun, but often isolating, mostly due to my lack of language skills!  It’s pretty hard to develop any friendships with a great depth with my current lack of skills.

So, to all of you near &  far, thanks for being part of my life.